Polly- Polly is a girl who seems to be an outcast. Her only friends are Ama and Jo. In the book, she is told that her Grandmother, who she never met, was a model. Polly is encouraged to set out to become a model as well. She gets her mother's permission to pay for a modeling camp with her babysitting money; however, before she goes she visits Jo at her beach house and gets hurt emotionally by Jo and her friend, Bryn. After modeling camp (which wasn't very successful), Polly goes to a modeling show with her mother in New York where realizes that she is not modeling material. She and her mother leave New York and return home. Soon after Polly finds her mother unconscious and ends up staying with Ama while her mother is checked into rehab.
Ama- Ama is a smart girl originally from Ghana. Though she is not particularly outdoorsy, her scholarship lands her in wilderness camp in Wyoming. After being lost, she realizes she should stay and try her courage. At the end, she acquires new friends and the adventure of a life time.
Jo- Jo, having spent time away from Ama and Polly, had become quite popular. She spends her summer at her family's beach house with her mother and works as a bus girl. She meets a guy, but loses him when his girlfriend, Effie, comes back to town. She attempts to win him back; however, she only gains enemies. She leaves the beach house and her mother and returns home to her father. She soon recovers from the loss of her brother Finn. Jo decides she does not hate her father and rekindles her friendship with Polly in the end.
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