miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

perdón por no poner nuevos libros estos últimos días pero estaba de viaje, también les quería decir que no voy a poder subir las fotos de los libros porque hubo un error y no las estoy pudiendo subir pero cuando se arregle subo todas la que me faltaron.
quiero saber si les gustaría que ponga recomendaciones de películas y películas en el blog para que la puedan ver por favor escriban me a estercitadabbah@gmail.com si tienen cualquier duda o si nesecitan algún libro en especial escriban me y lo voy a tratar de subir.

first kisses trust me

Oh. No. This can't be happening. Me and Sean Reed? "Trust Partners" for the entire counselors-in-training program? Sean may have deep blue eyes that make my heart flutter whenever he looks at me, but he's always been a troublemaker. Being thrown together all summer? That is so not going to work. Even if he does have a really, really nice smile.
Trust me on this.

trust me ingles

Rachel Hawthorne-Dark Gaurdian-Moonlight.

I see him and know what this turmoil inside of me means: He's the one. My forever.
kayla is the nature lover, the all-American beauty who can't understand why she's so drawn to distant, brooding Lucas. Adopted as a young child, she has no way of knowing that she's inherited a terrifying—and thrilling—gene that will change her life forever.
lucas is dangerous, gorgeous . . . and a werewolf. As leader of the Dark Guardians, shape-shifters who gather deep within the state park, he has sworn to protect his pack. But when Lucas finds his true soul mate, his love could put them all in harm's way. As Lucas and Kayla struggle with their feelings for each other, a greater danger lurks: Humans have discovered the Dark Guardians and are planning their destruction. Kayla must choose between the life she knows and the love she feels certain is her destiny.

ibro en ingles